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VOICEOVER COACHING for Seasoned Pros -
as well as Aspiring or New Talent

Private one-on-one remote coaching to take you to the next level. For pros who want to get out of a rut, freshen up their voiceover skills or revitalize their approach to auditioning, new talent exploring voiceover for the first time or who want to make a demo, and anyone in between. Move closer to your goals with custom-focused coaching that allows you to build on your strengths, discover what might be getting in your way, and significantly improve on your voiceover work.

VOICE COACHING for Business Professionals

Need to brush up on your presentation skills, prepare for media interviews, explore accent acquisition, or just learn how to understand and better use your voice? Learn practical skills that allow you to put your true voice forward so you can feel relaxed and confident when giving speeches or just interacting in the business world. Private or small group remote coaching available.


1267 Seven Lakes North, 119 Overlook Dr.
West End, NC 27376

Becky Wilmes


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